• FlakesBongler [they/them]
    9 months ago

    This is probably the best example of the shallow nature of Liberal thought

    She's black and lesbian so she hits the diversity quota

    Nevermind that she's just another corporate ghoul

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      9 months ago

      Obviously, you can't be corrupt if you check the boxes, because everyone knows that corruption is an archtypical Trump-looking guy not an archtypical Stacey Abrams-looking girl.

      Even then... how can you strictly be mad at Gruesome Newsom for making this decision. You know Karen Bass isn't going to make any attempt at a primary. You know if she did, the party would strip her of all her positions and denude her of funding, that the Silicon Valley democrats would turn on her in a heartbeat, and that there's a real chance a Republican insurgent would win a split ballot with some minority coalition as a disciplining exercise.

      Corporate Ghouls are the only folks that need apply, because the good(ish) Dems don't actually have a solid base of support. If a Sanders style liberal could win California, you would think they'd at least make a run. But the only folks that take the plunge are quixotic losers or narcissist freaks.