I'm going to make these weekly because daily is a bit hard to keep on top of. So from now on these wil be every posted every Monday (US time) Once a week is enough, right? Still not sure what comm I should post these in, because c/bloomer is locked. Maybe I should post them in c/doomer as a joke? Also, if anyone has any ideas for me to make these better, tell me! Anyway, as always:
Here it is, the daily thread to share all things good and positive!
Did you make strides in unionizing your work place recently?
Hear about a strike?
See a cool bug?
Help out a comrade?
If so, share it with us in the comments here! It doesn't matter big or small! This is a space to recharge and remind yourself what you're fighting for.
Comment anything here, as long as it's good vibes!
On day 5 of covid so I'm stuck in the house, and my coworker made a big batch of soup and brought me some along with some firecider and elderberry syrup. It was a kitchen sink veggie soup with a ginger and garlic base with lime to squeeze in it and it was so good! I hate my work with a fiery passion but I stay because the huge majority of my coworkers are such lovely kind people
fire cider is so fuckin good. Some folks used to make and sell it at the store I used to work at but some company tried to trademark it and do a bunch of legal bullying/patent trolling and then the courts decided fire cider could not be trademarked and all it resulted in was a bunch of companies including the one that started the legal battle going out of business.
It is! This particular one is soooooo tasty, I made one and it was...a bit too garlicky lol but I definitely want to make some this year. The brand I was given, though, is Wildlfire Elixirs which is local to where I am.
That sucks that the people at your work were put out of business! At least the assholes who started the fight went out of business too.
Get well soon
Awww thanks! What good news do you have to spread today?
I guess that I've been managing to do well in my degree so far. Not to doxx myself. I wasn't sure I was good enough to pull it off but I'm doing way better than I thought I would.
Aw glad to hear it! College can be challenging but it's not as difficult as ots made out to be. Though I guess that depends on your learning style, maybe. And if you're indeed newish to school you'll likely just improve from here, get it!
That is so kind! If it weren't for the comradery I swear the employees would just walk out of so many places at a moment's notice. Many people I've known at different jobs seem to be motivated only because they know it would be worse for their coworkers if they did less or quit suddenly.
That's definitely been the case with this job and my last for sure. I have a huge fuckin problem of being compulsive about picking up slack. Idk if it's because I care so much, if it's a control issue, neurodivergence or what but if people call out all the time at my work, I will fill in as many shifts as I can manage without unraveling because I know what it's like to work short staffed and I hate for my coworkers to deal with that. Then I burn out, haha 🙃