The kind that thinks communism is the same as nazism and thinks communism is when the government does things.

I hate liberal brain worms.

They seriously do as much damage to the left as fascists by punching to the left and spreading capitalist anti-left propaganda. They overall weaken leftism and help fascism.

We need more left unity, folks. Fash ain't gonna bash themselves. left-unity-4

  • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    jesus-christ Thank God you're contained to the internet (like most of us). You would be getting people killed in real life.

      9 months ago

      Funnily enough it is the statists that most often kill the anti-statists "in real life" but okay, you do you buddy.

      • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        This is only the second time in my life I've engaged with someone who used the word "statist". The first guy was a libertarian, and the second is you, an anarcho-natoist. I guess the implication is that a state is inherently bad. What the state is used for is inconsequential. Funnily enough, in the real world we evaluate what's goid and bad based on material consequences, not baseless ideals pulled out of your ass. This has the same rigor as liberalism.

          9 months ago

          This is the usual tactic of attacking your use of specific words instead of the essence of what you're actually saying. Use inspect element and replace "statist" with the word you'd like me to use instead. I'm not gonna do that for you.

          Anarchism isn't baseless or pulled out of anyone's ass. You can disagree with it, but to claim literally no material analysis of the state and/or its consequences, or the relations and dynamics of power and hierarchy exists, is just plain ignorance, no different from a conservative feeling the authority to look down on marxists when they have only skimmed the communist manifesto. If you are interested I can link you to some things, if you are not, just own up to it and say so.

      • grazing7264 [they/them, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        LMAO fucking LARPer complaining about "Statists murder anarchists!" do you have any other state department talking points you'd like to walk us through?

          9 months ago

          What are you on? Revolutionary states killing anarchists is just an objective historical fact. I'm not even talking about the common stories brought up about Makhnovshchina or Kronstadt, every single revolutionary state has done it. You can look it up. Is part of the "left unity compromise" to blind yourself to actual things that happened?