• TheCaconym [any]
    9 months ago

    Also, it's not that relevant but as far as I know it was never described officially as a rave for "peace". Even old promotional material doesn't.

    They described it as "a journey of unity and love" as well as, I quote, a celebration of "friends, love and infinite freedom".

    A celebration of infinite freedom a few hundred meters from an open air prison


      • TheCaconym [any]
        9 months ago

        Unrelated, but I went to take a look at the speech he did; I rarely hear Biden speak in general as I'm in the EU, and jesus christ he's gotten worse since the last time I heard him. He looks like he's physically in pain and it's taking all his will to properly read the words out.

    • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      To anyone who has ever been to a rave before, this is usual raver selling chatter. As much as I generally enjoy EDM and all of it's accompanying genres, I genuinely dislike the universal adoption of the superfluous language that was originally used to encourage people to come out and dance in areas that were considered 'abandoned' and 'condemned' to music made by people who were considered the castoffs of society. It all rings hollow when it is just rich kids at a club sponsored by a weapons manufacturer.

      It's one of my favorite parts of Disco Elysium, but as much as we want to separate the dance from reality, the dance still exists there.

    • Barabas [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Burners doing burner things. Gotten tired of people telling me that we can solve world hunger with good enough management without ever mentioning that capitalism FUCKING NECESSITATES PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN POVERTY. Like, I get that they want to feel good about themselves, but there is so much cognitive dissonance going on that it is no wonder they snack on psychedelics like candy.