• DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
    9 months ago

    Personally I'd just choose to not go to the dance party on stolen land in the apartheid state, and in particular I would avoid the dance party taking place mockingly close to the people being genocided in an open air prison.

    • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      I mean, as an American who knows our history, you're basically asking me to will myself out of existence. I didn't choose to be born here, and they didn't choose to be born there. I can accept that having a rave is insensitive, but the whole goddamned world is on fire. The ice caps are melting, microplastics are in everything, governments suck, and I can't really blame folks for wanting to do something besides watch the motherfucker burn.

      • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
        9 months ago

        Would you choose to go to a rave purposefully right outside the walls of a border detention camp? Do you have parking lot parties down at your local ICE facility? Throw a rager at the closest reservation?

        And while the US led genocide is definitely not over, the people in Israel are so much more directly complicit with the furiously churning genocide of Palestine.

        • Vncredleader [he/him]
          9 months ago

          What you don't have a rave with the boys outside Gitmo or Abu Ghraib?

          • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
            9 months ago

            What if you were one of the inhabitants of the ghetto who had been treated like animals for decades?

            Don't answer. There is no way for you to possibly know the suffering they have endured, and what a human might do in that scenario.

            • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
              9 months ago

              I can't know that experience, but what I do know is that there are many, many, many more Palestinians that also seem to share my understanding that murdering people is wrong, or else the Israeli civilian population would have a much bigger mess on their hands.

              • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
                9 months ago

                "Actually I'm just assuming shit about a subject that I don't have any deep meaningful knowledge of"

                Thanks for the comment champ! We all appreciate that kind of spitballing about history and societal sentiments around here. In the future you could just shut the fuck up instead of trying to speak for Palestinians on the internet.

                • GivingEuropeASpook [they/them, comrade/them]
                  9 months ago

                  Not any worse than implying that every Gazan huddled in dark places praying for their lives under constant Israeli bombardment all support the murder of other people as payback

                • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
                  9 months ago

                  I don't need deep, meaningful knowledge to know that spree shooting and raping bystanders is fucking wrong. A child knows that's wrong. An adult is just better at lying to themselves about it.

                  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                    9 months ago

                    This isn't a spree shooting. It's a coordinated military action, where bystanders will get shot, because that is the nature of war, all wars. As for the raping of bystanders, we will see what the record says, but I highly doubt any claims coming from either the U.S. or Israeli media about that occurring. There have already been claims of beheadings and infant killings, none of which have been substantiated with evidence thus far, but all of this stuff smacks of 'oriental brown-skinned hordes' tropes. I have seen the videos of bystanders being shot, and I would be utterly shocked if they weren't being shot, especially given the usual Israeli treatment of bystanders, even during times of supposed 'ceasefire'.

                    However, comparing this to some sort of independent actor 'spree killing' like what occurs in the U.S. is some truly dense shit.

              • usa_suxxx [they/them]
                9 months ago

                Well, I mean if they slightly disagree they will be put on like 1 million watch lists. You can't even discern the climate.

          • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
            9 months ago

            And your morality wasn't crafted while living your entire life in an outdoor prison while Israel targets civilians, your friends, and family every fucking day of your life. They don't have to play by better rules than the enormously equipped genocidal state. Shit sucks, but Israel has very predictably brought this upon themselves and no one should flinch at all when it comes to supporting Palestine over this, or else you never really did. This is how liberation is won, this time you're just seeing the reality of war through a cell phone.

            • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
              9 months ago

              Let me just go ahead and fail that purity test for you. It took me a long time to come to a conclusion about this subject and it wasn't fully cemented until this conflict broke out. Millions of Palestinians refuse to spill blood. The Israeli state has encouraged funding HAMAS as part of their long term plan to prevent two-state solution viability. You can't build liberation on the backs of dead bystanders any more than the Nazis or the US or the Jacobins did. "But it's justified when we do it, you just don't understand" is a bullshit rationale that's older than dirt and twice as worthless; Jesus, how many times must the CIA have said that very thing to themselves over the years?

              • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
                9 months ago

                It took me a long time to come to a conclusion about this subject


                I don't need deep, meaningful knowledge



                for real though just stop what you're doing here. People are fighting for liberation and you have the ability to shut the fuck up from your cozy imperial core internet connection. You live in the country that has materially supported more genocide than any other in existence. Feel the urge to inject "but murder is bad" into the liberation struggle? Yeah, that's shut the fuck up time. You would condemn every liberation struggle in history with this shit.

                • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
                  9 months ago

                  You know, I always wonder about these type of comments. Are you someone who's actually lived the kind of experience you're speaking for, or are you comfortably sipping a coffee while you write out some performative outrage, smirk, and think "this comment will show them"?

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        You know as an American you can join anticolonialism efforts. You didn't choose to be born in a settler colony but you can choose to resist it. You absolutely can and should involve yourself with anti-imperialism.

        You shouldn't fall into nihilism. Things may seem hopeless, but we're not dead yet. Plenty of work to do.

        • GivingEuropeASpook [they/them, comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          They're commenting on a leftist forum, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that that indicates at least a desire to be involved in such things in the real world.

          I have had some comments replying to me before, implying that what happened at the rave is what needs to and should happen to all colonists, because clearly I don't understand what decolonisation means (even though I am someone whose been involved in décolonisation activism in the past and at no point was my forced removal from North America or murder part of the discussion).