Regardless of what happens after Henry resigns, the two countries that CANNOT be involved in whatever happens, is France and the US. Maybe I'm niave but I feel like Kenya, with UN approval, is an alright choice and won't lead to US war.
Regardless of what happens after Henry resigns, the two countries that CANNOT be involved in whatever happens, is France and the US. Maybe I'm niave but I feel like Kenya, with UN approval, is an alright choice and won't lead to US war.
Also Russia is totally cooking the books/cozying up to China as the lesser power in the relationship
It's like the trenches of WWI combined with the forever wars the US fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Congratulations Russia, you've saddled yourself with a decades long conflict potentially and lost the geopolitical purpose of invading Ukraine within months since Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership.
Truly the only trustworthy source
Journalists and folks like Hasan have a practiced professional distance that they internalize. I think in this instance they are having that tested - particularly the Al Jazeeera journalists who've lost their families in the last 3 weeks and continued to report.
Moscow's moving up in the world I see
Supposedly Qatar has been mediating and is promising a breakthrough "soon".
This woman is a Palestinian journalist her Instagram coverage is harrowing but also clear and straightforward.
Nevermind the UN and multiple countries being like "don't force people to leave Gaza, that is a war crime", no it's time to lust for blood
Lady must be HOT and DUMB or me no get HARD (I am afraid of women knowing more than me) ./s
Hamas has historical ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which Sisi and the Egyptian military consider terrorists, as well as a peace treaty and diplomatic relations with Israel. As others have said, Egypt is a military dictatorship with ties to the US and support from it, these make it complicated for them to just open the border (although I do think that Israel saying they wanted Gazans to flee to Egypt means they would not airstrike it should they open it in that direction but also logic isn't reliable in war all the time).
He denounced specific parts of the attack. The section of international law that explicitly allows violent resistance to a military occupation or blockade doesn't exempt the resistors from the rest of international law. The IDF/Israel and Hamas have the same obligations under international law(s).
Revenge-driven actions have not historically worked out for the people taking their revenue in the long run for eitherthem nor the cause. I'm with the Palestinian diplomats and journalists putting the violence in context without saying its good.
So many people must be excited that they finally have carte blanche to level Gaza and accelerate their ethnostate project
Not any worse than implying that every Gazan huddled in dark places praying for their lives under constant Israeli bombardment all support the murder of other people as payback
They're commenting on a leftist forum, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that that indicates at least a desire to be involved in such things in the real world.
I have had some comments replying to me before, implying that what happened at the rave is what needs to and should happen to all colonists, because clearly I don't understand what decolonisation means (even though I am someone whose been involved in décolonisation activism in the past and at no point was my forced removal from North America or murder part of the discussion).
this is the first I've heard about it.