• GivingEuropeASpook [they/them, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    The terrified inhabitants are still in the Gaza Strip, and I fear for their lives in the face of an impending land invasion of the strip. Hamas fighters are an organized militia and I will judge them and their actions differently than I will unarmed civilians. Stop equating all Palestinians with Hamas - that is exactly what Israel wants.

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        I only did a quick google, but apparently support is at 58%. Thats technically "most", but not enough of a majority to write off the people who don't really.

        And one thing that GEAS is definitly correct about, for all their inappropriate handwringing that they've done, is that Israel wants Hamas conflated with Palestine and doing so serves their cause. (Much like conflating Jews with Israel serves the antisemitic cause, and I'm pretty sure polling for support for Israel among the Jewish diapsora is higher than 58%)