Every liberal, they are reborn anew each day with no memories whatsoever of the past

  • Zodiark [he/him]
    9 months ago

    You've the writing style of a teenager. I will assume you are, so forgive my condescension:

    Assume ignorance and then ask for elucidation rather than take positions you are unaware of.

    That said, liberalism is the dominant and hegemonic ideology of the capitalist world order. A conservative and liberal both support property rights and nominal support - on a spectrum - for equality and liberty. (e.g: The conservative party in AUSTRALIA is literally called the Liberal party)

    Therefore, liberals as a term by socialists encompass left-liberals and right-liberals, dems v gop, labour v Tories, etc. All on the same spectrum of Liberalism and capitalism.

    • FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      Why even use the term liberal at all then and not just say “capitalists?” I don’t often find myself in specifically socialist spaces so I assumed by liberal you just meant leftist in general.

      • Zodiark [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Because an ideological adherent who is also just a worker is different than people who own capital goods (means of production).

        In other words, Just because you work for the king doesn't mean you're a noble, just that you profit off of the aristocracy.

        Leftism or leftist are always anticapitalist, and always seek the abolishment of private ownership of capital goods in favor of collective ownership and planning. A leftist isn't a Bernie Sanders supporter who just wants college or free healthcare.