
i used to say this a bit more ironically, but now i definitely mean it

vests by d2lta is a good example of a song in this range i really like

  • TupamarosShakur [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Hard disagree. Jazz songs are very long, and listening to jazz live the songs would be long as musicians would be given chances to improvise for longer periods. These songs would be cut down to 3-4 min to fit them all onto a record, which had limited recording ability. Even though I grew up after the album era had arguably ended, this 3-4 min length was so ingrained that most people considered it the ideal song length. I don’t want to be an old person yelling about newer trends, but it does seem like tiktok and maybe just our collective loss of attention span is cutting song lengths down even further.

    I think it’s wrong to talk about ideal song length in an era when you can literally upload a song of any length you want. The song should be long enough to get the artist’s point across. If that’s 1-2 minutes then fine, I love hardcore and many of those bands keep within these extremely short song lengths. But I also love a song that stretches on and take a while to build. To some extent the 3-4 min song length was necessary since that was the limit of our technology at the time - unless you wanted to fill an entire record side with 1 or 2 songs (and even then you would at some point come up against a hard limit). But now we don’t have those technological limitations, so our song lengths should reflect that and be more variable rather than conforming to some sort of ideal length.