They say how deranged it is to stand for more political causes than legal weed and free college. smuglord

They say how unhinged it is to want to slow, halt, and maybe even reverse the ongoing environmental damage to the only inhabitable planet that people living today will ever know. smuglord

They say it is tankie to actually want to improve society somewhat instead of feeling smugly satisfied that the way things are now are the best/only way they can possibly be. smuglord

They say it is immature it is to seek political agency and political participation beyond some election ritual every few years. smuglord

They say how insane it is to see some things as better or worse than other things instead of seeing political ideologies as interchangeable buffet offerings to ladle onto some personalized "to each their own" plate of whimsical and inconsequential consumer choice, with the exception of any choices made that are more left than Bernie Sanders. Such choices are only made by Russian/Chinese bots, and thusly forbidden from the buffet table, but fascist concepts and goals are like naughty and tempting desserts to consider and add at their leisure. smuglord

It's unlike the adults in the room to have strong feelings, or any feelings at all, for anything other than specifically approved purposes, one of those purposes being condescending contempt for others that have unsanctioned feelings. smuglord

I could go on, but to summarize, when some federated Lemmyverse liberal says "you're from Hexbear," the mask has just come off and what comes after that, and probably what came before it, can be summarized as scratched-to-unscratched liberalism from obscenely privileged and arrogant status quo warriors coming to the rhetorical defense of hierarchy and empire.


  • Infamousblt [any]
    11 months ago

    You think the world could be BETTER? Wow you are so wrong smuglord

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      The Adults In The Room who Make The Hard Decisions and Get Shit Done know that attempting to improve society somewhat is naive at best and such attempts are only done by (insert ableist insults here) that are probably hypocrites and actually just want to nuke a stadium or kill a bunch of random people with dragons or something. smuglord