I used to think human rights were unconditional, but then someone told me that Palestinians are actually homophobic, so as any rational person capable of critical thinking and nuanced thought would do, I abandoned all of my values and pivoted to support for apartheid.

They made an excellent point, namely that I should support the murder and displacement of homophobes, which is why I propose the following.

Every queer person in North America will come together and form a milita. I'll assume George Soros will pay for everything. For your first mission, you'll take over the state of Florida. I have it on good authority from Conservatives that the US military has gone woke, so I expect them to cooperate with you.

To any Floridians reading this, you have 24 hours to leave before you are crushed under the high heels of the Pink Army. You brought this on yourself by voting for Ron Desantis. Do not resist. Bigots deserve bombs. Anyone who is opposed to this is a homophobe who supports Hamas and is literally worse than Hitler.


  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    Do they think the entirety of Iranian women, Chinese Uyghurs, or literally anyone else they want to “free” are secular liberals lol. These people want me to shake hands with Nazis in congress but get mad because I’m not okay with bombing random people because they might be homophonic?

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      9 months ago

      yes liberals are always surprised when people aren't secular liberals as they are just used to expecting it from everyone

      as socialists we are used to the idea of our opinions being controversial, so are fascists. Liberalism is the ruling ideology and liberals are just used to everyone agreeing with them

      • Umechan [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Japan better watch their back is they're bombing the homophonics.

    • Umechan [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Oh, but you see, the thing about them is that Iran and China are America's enemies, so that's different.