And I was getting so hopeful after Mitsoda got canned and the game got pushed back indefinetely. Auteur theory is a fuck, Mitsoda has basic gen-x'er humor and I'm glad he's gone. Why the fuck did they decide to pivot into this Fallout 4 type dreg though? The main character is going to have an established backstory and everything.

Why make an RPG if you don't want players to role play?

  • Egon [they/them]
    8 months ago

    The original still holds up generally, though it is very horny awooga and it has a lot of "haha this character is ND look how weird and wacky they are" moments, and I think a little bit of transphobia as well? If you can stomach that and some godawful combat you've got a decent RPG. It scratches an itch I haven't found covered by other games - Vampyr tries, but misses sadly.

    Get it on and not steam though. Otherwise I can recommend the TTRPG, the newest edition is pretty fun. It doesn't have to be edgy, people just make it that way.

      8 months ago

      Isn't the newest edition the one that shucked a WHOLE BUNCH of vamp clans from the story entirely, necessitating the split between 'old World of Darkness' and 'new World of Darkness'? 'Cause I'm just sayin; if it won't let me have my Malkavian I've ran for nearly 17 years as he was intended to be played, I don't want it-- and be damned if I run him as a Ventrue offshoot

        8 months ago

        Technically, oWoD/nWoD (officially it's WoD/CoD) are different worlds with different games.

        That said, V5 was and attempt to repackage Vampire the Requiem from CoD for WoD audience and it shits on the previous editions so much it basically is a new game too. Same with Werewolf, I hear. I expect nothing good to come of M5 at this point...

        P.S. Malks are still a clan, but Dementation is an amalgam(what used to be combination disciplines) of Dominate with Obfuscate for some Caine forsaken reason.