• Awoo [she/her]
    8 months ago

    That said. There's a lot of clips here of tanks being hit with RPGs but nothing of a tank actually being destroyed.

    I'm fairly sure this is a deliberate choice on the part of both hamas and hezbollah. Both have definitely destroyed Merkavas but neither have released any footage of the aftermath of a hit, only the explosion, nothing further.

    I don't know the exact reason they're not releasing more but at this point with so many confirmed kills (by Israel) there must be a reason for it.

    • TraumaDumpling
      8 months ago

      honestly, considering that Hamas at least is a guerilla force operating out of tunnels against a horrific bombing campaign and a foe with air superiority, their troops probably have to GTFO as fast as they can after any attack. RPG troops don't stick around to see the aftermath of their attack usually, you want to shoot and then immediately retreat to cover or a flanking position in case the tank or its allies return fire.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        8 months ago

        I don’t think rpgs bothered US tanks much in Iraq

        US never used armour like this. They deployed infantry to this kind of thing. Look at the battle of Fallujah for the closest time the US has been in this kind of thick combat, all infantry fighting with light vehicle support. Heavy armour stayed in distant support and diversionary roles. Never presenting side/rear armour to enemies, this is the major factor really, tanks are designed to be hit from the front, they really not armoured for direct hits from anti tank weapons to the sides, top and rear.

        Also the RPGs are not the same. Although similar. I get the impression the Yasin performs slightly better than the RPG7.