• brainw0rms [they/them]
    8 months ago

    Beyond Compare 4 - various types of file comparison and merging operations.

    WinDirStat - makes it easy to identify and clean up files taking up your drive space.

    Everything - I resisted using this for a long time and wish I hadn't.

    Joplin - note taking app with markdown editor.

    QTranslate - discontinued freeware, most recent version that I'm aware of is 6.10.0. very useful translation app that supports Google, DeepL, Yandex and others.

    RapidCRC (Unicode) - file hash creation and verification

    also shout out to Windows Firewall, not really a new thing but many people don't bother learning how to use it properly.

    • What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      In my experience SpaceSniffer was slightly faster than WinDirStat.

      Also if you just want to quickly check the hash of a file you can use the 7Zip right click menu, but it won't verify a file, to my knowledge.

      • lud@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        There is also Wiztree which is WAY faster than both SpaceSniffer and WinDirStat.

        It can scan a 8 TB HDD in a few seconds and not hours (exaggeration) like WinDirStat