No, the art does not depict bestiality, don't worry.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Most people in animal husbandry would argue that artificial insemination is better for the health of the animals involved, for both the cow and the bull. Animals don't really follow the concept of consent, and the cow or bull could get seriously injured, or worse, otherwise.

    Though the argument could easily be made that it would be better not to breed cows at all, and that would be the best health outcome.

    • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
      8 months ago

      Yes, as a vegan, my stance is we should stop breeding cows.

      By the way, I've heard the argument "oh, it's better for the health of the animal to do ... whatever" in quite a few contexts that I think are just plain wrong. Such as, for example, farrowing crates. Apparently it's "better" for the sow and her babies if she is stuck in a crate so small she can't even turn around. I don't buy that farrowing crates are good for pigs and I don't buy that artificial insemination is good for cows either.