Later on he actually says "Let me please explain. My grandmother survived the Holocaust..."

The interview the rabbi is so excited by is Piers Morgan interviewing a right-wing, Islamophobe Brit named Douglas Murray who is in Israel.

Video -

It's atrocity porn and after 90 seconds I had had more than enough.

The vid was embedded in the first tweet: Nitter.

Does Rabbi Right-Winger not know about substack? "If you edit a post, it messes up the algorithm and limits the post's reach." Twitter is total shit for longform.

I put what I quoted in bold.

This is the best interview I have EVER seen.

Ever; ever; ever; nothing comes close.

Douglas Murrey has a heart – and mind – of gold.

And what unfolds in this seven-minute clip is something you need to watch for yourself. (Once you see it halfway through, you'll know exactly what I'm referring to.)

But he articulates something which I have been trying to share for the past month:

The Nazis, as fundamentally evil as they were, believed that they were engaging in a necessary evil for an ultimate good; they still had a spark of humanity at their core; thus, their main flaw was that they believed the ends justified the means; even though they fully believed in the "result" of a world without Jews, they were still fundamentally opposed to the "actions" they were taking.

This is what motivated the Nazis to find ways of circumventing the existential moral decay they were entering, and allowed them to get creative by using the gas chambers, mass shootings (in the BACK of the head – to avoid direct facial contact), and other passive forms of mass annihilation, while also having as few Nazis as possible actually involved in these acts of murder; they then encouraged those individuals who were involved in this atrocity of mass murder to get drunk every night in order to wash away the person they started seeing in the mirror.

Thus, the existential decay of these individual Nazis actively involved in the mass murder of the Jewish People was simply seen as another layer of "the ends justify the means."

They were the epitome of "Western" evil.

Hamas is the exact opposite.

This IS their value system.

They prize death, murder, rape, suicide missions, and everything that opposes the very foundation of values and truth to begin with.

The events of October 7th was not an end to a means… there is no future goal… this IS the goal.

They are the epitome of an evil the likes of which we have never before seen.

Please – I know this is social media and some people only watch 60-second soundbites; but please, please, please watch this brilliant interview.

Douglas Murray – you are a credit to everything worth being credited.

That's the end of the first tweet.

For the past month, Douglas Murray has put everything on the line to support what he believes in.


That's the journey of truth; it's an adventure into the unknown.

The risk is everything; but the reward is truth, and everything that contains.

Here's a personal confession:

I've spent my life in the gaps, avoiding politics.

But October 7th changed everything.

People have been asking me, "Why have you joined the political commentary game these past few weeks?"

The answer is simple:

Politics is a game.

Unfortunately, it's not a game of truth, even though it was originally designed to be.

But to fight for the truth, you still need to play the game.

Right now, Israel and the Jewish People need every voice of support we can get.

And I will continue to use my platform in every way I possibly can to help Israel and the entire Jewish People.

I hope you'll join me as we fight for that which we value most: morality, life, and truth!

P.S. I wrote this post spontaneously, right after I finished watching this incredible interview.

No not only did I only spend five minutes writing it, but I had a business meeting I had to get to, so I didn't even have time to proofread it; so a minute after I posted it, I realized that I accidentally misspelled Douglas Murray's name at the very beginning of the post.

That felt a bit embarrassing; but with social media, if you edit a post, it messes up the algorithm and limits the post's reach.

So I made an executive decision to keep the original version, and accepted any embarrassment I would endure as an appropriate cost.

Turns out, not only didn't people care that I misspelled Murray's name, but this post is well on its way to reach over 1,000,000 views on my various platforms within just a few hours of posting it.

So I think there are two takeaways:

1- I think Douglas is the kind of humble guy that would gladly forgive my misspelling of his name, especially if it means getting his message out to as many people as we can.

2- People respect humanity and genuineness much more than they do perfection; making a simple mistake while trying to do good is a lot more meaningful than looking perfect when trying to do otherwise :)

Humanity for the win!

I need EVERYONE to please read this follow-up clarification!

This was most difficult post that I have EVER shared, and here's why:

In portraying and clarifying the hierarchy of evil, I had to explain why Hamas expands beyond the previous paradigm of ultimate evil, which forced me to publicly express that the Nazis no longer represent the ultimate paradigm of evil, because the Nazis still contained a spark of humanity within them, while Hamas does not. (See my previous post for the full explanation.)

For expressing this deep and profoundly difficult truth, several people sent me personal messages, sharing how they couldn't understand how I could suggest such a thing.

So, from the bottom of my heart, let me please explain:

My grandmother survived the Holocaust; she escaped during one of the death marches from Auschwitz.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about this.

When I visited Poland for the first time when I was 18, I saw firsthand the hell that she had been through and the true unadulterated evil of the Nazis.

I also had mixed feelings.

On the one hand, I felt such uncontrollable anger and pain for what my grandmother and the Jewish people were forced to endure.

But simultaneously, I felt a sense of pride and hope.

The only reason I was brought into this world was because my grandmother never gave up; if my grandmother survived, I was going to make sure to honor her memory and devote my life to God and the Jewish people.

On the bus ride back from Auschwitz, I wrote the following in my journal:

I am going to devote my life to God. I am going to devote my life to the Jewish people. I am going to devote my life to greatness and help everyone else in the world do the same.

That's been my life's mission ever since.

But we are currently witnessing the seeds of another Holocaust; so I had to make a decision:

Do I hurt the feelings of those who won't be able to understand the severity of Hamas' evil by placing Hamas on a hierarchical level of evil that transcends even the Nazis, or do I stay silent, and allow history to repeat itself.

To be honest, it wasn't a decision; and here's why:

I don't believe that "the truth doesn't care about your feelings." (Sorry Ben)

But I do believe that the truth needs to be expressed no matter what, and once it needs to be expressed, we need to find a way to do it in a way that can be as well received as possible, even if it might be difficult for some people to digest.

So here's what we need to understand:

It's not enough to "never forget" the Holocaust.

We need to bring that memory into the present moment and shape our lives around it.

The only way we don't repeat the failings of history is if we learn from it.

By suggesting that the Nazis had a spark of humanity, it doesn't justify the pure evil of what they did; it just emphasizes the exponentially worse nature Hamas' evil, and forces everyone with a conscience and open mind to rethink which side of history they want to be on.

So here's the simple truth:

If your Jewish, please stand with Israel.

If you have a conscience, please stand with Israel.

If you have "more than a spark of humanity," please stand with humanity – which in this case, translates to: "please stand with Israel."

Important Update:

I have never received so much hate from a post before… ever.

Which is an AMAZING sign!!!

That means this is reaching millions of people who hate us… which is the best possible case scenario.

This is the only way to potentially shift the tide.

When we stay within our own echo chamber, nobody disagrees with us.. so we simply reinforce the divide between us and those who disagree with us.

But when we can finally transcend the (seemingly infinite) gap between us and the "other side," there's at least the potential to spread some light into the actual darkness, as opposed to simplify amplifying the light within our protected social fortress and preventing the darkness from entering our virtual (and physical) space.

It's not easy to receive death threats and read the vile hatred some people gladly express online.

But this is a war for everything we believe in… morality, wisdom, and truth!

So no matter how much they try to spread hate and death, I will give everything I have, until my very last breath, to help us see the beauty that lies within every breath we have left.

Our spirit will never break!

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    The war has broken a lot of right-wing Jewish brains. They must have been dead certain Israel would be able to move at top speed to commit horrific mass murder and do ethnic cleansing. After the war - Israel would be forced to do fend off American "criticisms" and UN "claims" of war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

    Instead even Americans aren't gung-ho for Israel's war. So right-wing Jews are trying whatever thing they can - however extreme - to influence the public to support Israel. I saw first the tweet as a screengrab in a tweet by a journalist who is trying hard to combat misinformation on Twitter. I knew the tweet was real, and the interview was real but a voice in my head still said "What the fuck. How can this be real? Maybe it's not real?" When I scanned the thread for more context and I saw "My grandmother..." - the voice in my head asked questions again.

    Like everybody at Hexbear - I expected crazy justifications of the war by right-wing Jews. But as a Jew I thought stuff like a rabbi saying -"The Nazis had a spark of humanity" therefore Hamas is worse - was beyond the pale. Even if the rabbi had a "let me explain" follow up.