• robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    8 months ago

    democrats had four separate chances to codify Roe, going back to jimmy "east timor" carter. campaign obama promised to do it and then president obama turned around and said it wasn't a priority. RBG could've resigned when obama had a senate majority, but she had such hubris and ego that she wanted to be replaced by hilary clinton. Biden didn't even try to pack the court.

    democrats ain't shit and you're a giant mark if you think they'll actually help or protect you from what's coming

      8 months ago

      I don't expect shit from democrats but it's actual factual that marginalized communities have a better time under democrat rule than republican

          8 months ago

          Yeah I'd expect numbers that go up every presidency to continue going up every presidency

          That's not a complete accounting of the impact of a presidency. It's a pretty wild take to argue trump is equally as bad. My understanding is in areas like tax policy, infrastructure investment, and labor movement Biden is better. Even in cabinet members appointed, Bidens ghouls are slightly less ghoulish.

          Again, I don't like Biden. But it's a meme to say it's equal to a trump presidency

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            8 months ago

            What kind of bizzare expectation is that? Trump's and Obama's numbers on deportations and police funding are analogous with Trump's police funding being slightly higher, Biden's numbers on both are a goddamn rocket and his weaponization of covid laws like title 42 to cover his deportation numbers is beyond disgusting

            And Biden let the child tax credit expire and his infrastructure investment is a shell game for corporate handouts, actual construction in low income areas is not taking place, and to pretend the man who forbade the rail unions from striking is a friend of labor is ludicrous on its face

            The meme is pretending Trump was worse