I know good modern pop music exists, I'm talking about the terrible shit that plays on radios, commercials, TV etc. The stuff that the media has decided is current pop music.

This is probably my most boomer opinion , but most of it is awful. Where have all the strong voices gone? It's all baby voiced feel good insurance commercial stuff or warbley break-up songs.

If I hear another song that sounds like 'Tonights Gonna be a Good Night." or Ed Sheeran or any of the 100 songs sung by women that all sound like infants I am going to screm.

Also anyone notice that these songs are all safe as far as lyrics go? No ones allowed to be mad or defiant in music anymore. Its all "Lets party." or "Boohoo my Boyfriend left me." Mainstream music used to have tons of "Fuck the system" songs, not any more. There seems to be no genre represented outside of singer-songwriter. Also let women have strong voices again, damn it. Also let bands that play instruments exist. Let multiple genres exist!

Anyway, Boomer_Owl out

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    10 months ago

    From where I sit, seems like there's not much of a "mainstream" anymore. You got your occasional Taylor Swifts, but thanks to the internet it seems like kids these days have easy access to tons and tons of music of all genres. I've seen bands from genres that used to be niche as fuck suddenly get huge. A hardcore band from my hometown that used to be mildly popular locally recently released an album that whole still hardcore, and a bit more poppy and fused with other genres, and it randomly did gangbusters and now they're selling out stadiums. I saw them in an abandoned auto parts store back in 2017.