• @0x4E4F@infosec.pub
        7 months ago

        Well, I was only half joking...

        I speak from experience, I live in an ex socialist country. Things were a lot better back then, poverty was almost non-existent... but people tend to look at the bad things of a socialist/communist society because... well, most are westerners here and they've been taught that way - communism bad, capitalism good 🤷. Sure, there were skeletons in the closet, but so do capitalist countries, so I don't actually approve of that argument.

        • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
          7 months ago

          I would love if Russia returned to socialism and genuinely supported anti-imperialist forces in the global south out of ideological conviction and earnestness rather than cynical realpolitik like it does now. And despite its many contradictions and flaws, the Soviet Union was a genuinely positive force which was an ally to liberation groups all over the world from the very moment it was born, while successfully demonstrating a different path for humanity away from the dismal grip of capitalism, which only "failed" after 70 years of constant siege/invasion from the capitalist powers. The world we're living in is but a consequence of its dissolution, now that the current capitalist hegemon has nothing to keep it in check.