The comments of that thread are demonstrating your points perfectly, in particular to the DNC's overall attitude. Even after all that's happened, they are still denigrating pro-Palestinians for being "single-issue voters" and letting "perfect be enemy of the good" (ie, the same tired talking points which worked oh-so-well the LAST FUCKING TIME), and that encapsulates perfectly just how little Libs have learned or will learn; Whether it's those with actual direct power, their donor benefactors, or, as shown here, the Blue MAGA dipshits on the ground carrying water for them.
Whatever moment of genuine self-reflection for the party is going to be drowned out by a cacophony of Yes-Men repeating the same mantras like a broken record. Just the same ideas that the a) the Dems ran the perfect campaign, b) that the Leftists/minorities stabbed them in the back and c) the only lessons to take from this loss are entirely superficial (my mind goes to when some MSM talking heads "analyzed" Hasan's rant but all they took from it was that the Dems needed to reach out to the Twitch crowd).
Silver lining is that is that this leaves the Left in a position to expand and grow by absorbing more and more fragments of the Democratic party's base, but that won't come to us automatically no matter how much mainstream libs shoot themselves in the foot.
I mean, Balatro's description does say that it's illegal poker.
Petit-bourgeois Narodnik peasantoid adventurist brain: Build-up community center
Real Movement brain: Support Joja's takeover
Ngl, I love vidya-themed concerts for the alternate takes on the tracks. Some are miss but some hit it out of the park.
I'm 99% Kim would be a spirited participant in "the Return" under the right circumstances.
Especially funny when Kim is one of the Moralist reps. Although, he is disillusioned with the Moralintern and is actually a decent person who doesn't try to use or gaslight you, unlike Joyce or "Sunday Friend".
Every time I replay DF, I'm blown away by just how much ambition it had. The very definition of "limited by the tech of the time" and is, to this day, the boldest approach to storytelling I've seen in a TES game (Morrowind's main quest was fantastic but more linear and conventional). Here's to hoping The Wayward Realms (same talent) is good when it comes out.
That said...
Thinking about replaying DF
Remembering the goddamn Direnni Tower
"The social and biological development of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens species has been terminally corrupted by its own copious consumption of the Potato."
Step 0: Prevent William McKinley’s assassination
Sadly, the Fr*nch spirit has been slumbering since 1871, save for some stirrings.
I’d hesitate to say “Nazi” per se (correct me if I’m wrong) but qualifies as a general RW dipshit
Cant tell what exactly passes for “DEI” since plenty of “non-woke” games listed have black characters.
Apparently this website itself is unrelated to the actual group and is just putting this out as a bit.
They’ve aged if you’re used to RTSs, but they’re still timeless classics which can be enjoyed by anyone in my opinion.
Duty FC, represent
It’s best to think of the weapons like tools in a toolbox (cliche as that sounds). You can just a handful of weapons in overlapping roles at first but in time, as you experiment more, it comes easier to you what the situation calls for and which tool does which best. I was pretty much using the coin-pistol, shotgun and feedbacker most of the time in Act 1 before I got a good handle and branched out.
You can look up some combos from youtube to get a good idea on the bread and butter
One of the things that contributed to the USSR’s stagnation and eventual collapse/betrayal was the fact that the Red Army effectively became an unchecked, expensive black hole without civilian oversight after Stalin’s death. And outside of staring down NATO and the PLA on the borders, the military was only caught up in just Afghanistan. Maybe this is just wishful thinking but…