thought that was funny, how sensative can you be to ban people for having a different opinion🤣

  • Kuori [she/her]
    11 months ago

    the words you wrote implied someone would have to be mentally ill in order to see the obvious anti-semitism in rowling's portrayal of goblins, being as they are essentially the 4chan greedy merchant meme

    you can stop lying now

      11 months ago

      wow really? it couldnt imply racism? why do you jump straight to mental illness? unless you think racism is a mental illness

      if you look at a goblin and automatically think "Jewish" you might have a problem

      you can stop lying now

          11 months ago

          the first guy already said that, so i dont know what youre trying to imply. please, explain it to me

            10 months ago

            We can all see your comments and they are very insensitive. I wouldn’t have banned you over them but I see why a hexbear mod would.

                10 months ago

                No, you are putting words into your mouth. People are telling you what the words you are putting into your mouth mean and what the consequences are.

                Take the feedback. Or leave it.

                Either way, you are responsible for your actions.

                      10 months ago

                      why? i wouldn't ban you even though you are quite clearly trolling to try getting a rise out of people

                        10 months ago

                        I’m not trolling. You seem genuinely incapable of taking any criticism on board, thereby virtually guaranteeing that the issue will persist.

                        So eventually I would ban you.

      • Kuori [she/her]
        11 months ago

        wow really? it couldnt imply racism? why do you jump straight to mental illness? unless you think racism is a mental illness

        i wish we had a "boredly jerking off" emoji bc that's what this deserves in response

        if you look at a goblin and automatically think "Jewish" you might have a problem

        yes that would be true, if that was what was happening here. since you're obviously incapable of learning this will be a waste of time but here's some articles talking about the issue

        since i know you probably won't bother i'm just going to quote some relevant bits from the last article

        "Critics assert that the goblins, who control Gringotts bank within JK Rowling’s beloved wizarding world, resemble the caricatures depicted in the antisemitic 1903 book, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [...] [T]he goblins’ appearance and profession parallel offensive antisemitic stereotypes such as having large, hooked noses and a particular covetousness for gold and money.

        The game also includes a description of a special horn that closely resembles the Jewish shofar, which was used in the lore “during the 1612 Goblin Rebellion to rally troops and generally annoy witches and wizards,”

        Critics were quick to also note that, coincidentally or not, the year 1612 coincides with The Fettmilch Uprising, a Jewish pogrom in Germany in which Jews were expelled from the city of Frankfurt. Although the uprising first began in 1612, Jews were only actually expelled in 1614."

          11 months ago

          wow thats pretty crazy didnt know all that. i dont see how im a terrible person for it though. boredly jerking off emoji here

          • Kuori [she/her]
            11 months ago

            not knowing things doesn't make you a terrible person. however, if you choose to continue defending a blatantly hateful property in a franchise created by a bigot now that you know better, then yeah people would be justified in calling you a piece of shit

              11 months ago

              not defending anything. im saying i like a game. people shit on me for that? how about my mother? is she a piece of shit? cause she likes the game?

              • Kuori [she/her]
                11 months ago

                alright good talk, eat shit and die

                yes that means your mommy too, you absolute dweeb

                      11 months ago

                      me neither, which is why your comments dont affect me. but still, treat people better in the future. its quite sad being an internet bully

                      have a good rest of the day Kuori! make good choices! 🥰

                      • Kuori [she/her]
                        11 months ago

                        it's significantly sadder carrying water for anti-semites and transphobes. i will never stop telling pieces of shit like you to kys, because you deserve it

                        no amount of false friendliness can hide the fact that you're mad btw