• Getawombatupya@aussie.zone
    7 months ago

    Exactly. Houso's gonna houso. If she's going to put her whole life on new item afterpay, you deserve the stupid. This is someone who grew up in these communities and most get next gen tech and second hand/scratch and dent appliances. Just because you didn't finish school doesn't mean you can't be shrewd

    • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      are you pro-elderly people being scammed by 'tech support'?

      This 100% qualifies as an unscrupulous trade practice. The pricing is exploitative targeting vulnerable people, making them sign opaque contracts money directly from disability pension and making consumers think there is some level of state approval with the centrepay thing.

      It is the job of the state to protect people from these things especially considering they are operating formally.

      You are the one who is uneducated for spewing dogshit like this. You are the one who needs to be sent to a re-education camp. Australians are so braindead from neoliberal ideology.

    • wahming@monyet.cc
      7 months ago

      I am apparently the next Mussolini though, if you go by the rest of these comments. It's like nobody gives a fuck about education any more.