• Helmic [he/him]
    7 months ago

    If I'm being serious, I don't think it's particularly likely to have been a murder. Not really any motive, presumably wasn't during an arrest where the pig's going on a power trip. My bet is that the cop was drunk and/or speeding and hit a random ass pedestrian, and someone pulled some strings to make sure the body was quietly dissposed of so that the city woudln't get sued for that cop's wreckless driving - or at least to cover a fellow cop's ass to avoid manslaughter charges.

    Cops cover up all sorts of shit, it doesn't even have to have been a situation where the cop would have been in any real danger of being held accountable. Racism's really a sufficent explanation for the cover up, they hit a black man and treated hte situation like they had hit a stray dog.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Cops are legitimately terrifying drivers. I constantly see them going 60+mph through pedestrian zones just to catch up with someone who they saw go 5 over or something.