• FourteenEyes [he/him]
      7 months ago

      She has muscles and is scary scared

      Therefore she is not traditionally beautiful despite the fucking golden cracks on her implying she is a work of art who has been made more beautiful by her ordeal


        • FourteenEyes [he/him]
          7 months ago

          She explicitly refers to herself as beautiful and says that her foes will be broken upon her beauty, she shines with divine light and has angel wings and everyone thinks she's super hot and her cute gf is embarrassed when she loudly declares that they're going to have sexual relations because they are lovers

          It's such a brave take saying that this goddess who everyone in the game drools over can be seen as beautiful now and meanwhile hot orc lady from Moonrise Towers just gets to be a combat speed bump

    • Stoatmilk [he/him]
      7 months ago

      The article makes the argument that she is not the male beauty standard for women, but the female one. I'm not sure that is true, she is like 3 % too wide-shouldered for the most conservative standard, and I wouldn't exactly call it broadening in a non-pun-based sense of the word.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        7 months ago

        The article makes the argument that she is not the male beauty standard for women, but the female one.

        That's kinda wild tbh. Which female beauty standard is that supposed to refer to? What straight women buying into hegemonial femininity want to be like? What queer women find hot? These two standards tend to be not the same type of woman, and the latter in particular usually isn't one narrowly defined type of woman in the first place, because the entire point of a sapphic desire that defines itself in opposition to the hegemonnial way of sexualizing women is to view each other as subjects, not as objects, which only works when you understand our beauty as an expression of ourself, not as a fulfillment of an abstract and policed ideal beauty standard that by definition must always exclude most women because most women are not of the same race, body shape etc.

        Which, btw, is a position that i've not only seen in all kinds of lesbian communities, but found a ton of straight dudes to very enthusiastically agree on, because viewing women as human and being able to find more than 1% of the female population hot are both kind of a prerequisite if you realistically want a fulfilling relationship with a woman, which surprisingly tends to be something most straight men actually want.

        Or, tl;dr: Reactionary anti-feminists who enforce hegemonial gender roles fight to make everyone unhappy, including other cishet dudes.

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      I find it's 50/50 on the height thing, like there is the womanlet meme, but also if someone as a heterosexual man is with a woman taller than him, he'll probably get bullied or whatever?

      • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
        7 months ago

        ive towered over half the men ive been with, no one has ever said anything. unless you have dogshit friends no one you know is gonna say anything also if a man keepsd friends like that you shouldn't date him. also tall women are still the beauty standard regardless if individual short mens preferences.

        • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
          7 months ago

          I think it's more of like a chud meme tbf, also being in transfemme internet circles has given me permanently deranged views of height, please help! As a result I find it to be incredibly fascinating that tall is the beauty standard, when all I do is listen to "wah I'm too tall masculine trait" type shit!

          • kristina [she/her]
            7 months ago

            Tall is good, there are a lot of tall women in northern Europe even.

          • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
            7 months ago

            here take it from someone who has spent much time as a cis women who has always been very tall. men love it , fucking obsessed with it, short men, tall men, fucking obsessed and not just the fetishist lol. men ask me to wear heels on front of their friends i dont lol. if a short man shows me off thats a win for him because he managed to get a tall hot person. tall men love it because they like kissing someone they dont have to lean down for. the women and enbys? haha, they love it even more. also look at how tall celebrities and models are you gotta be 5.7 minimum to be a model. tall is definitely the standard i get told i should be a model all the time because im tall. also i was the shortest of my old girl friend group we looked like a herd of giraffes none of them have ever had a problem attracting the people they want. tbf the tallest one only dated me when i knew her.