the video is basically describing supply chains and how complex it is. see: commodity fetishism labor makes everything. markets are not necessary.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    10 months ago

    It is so frustrating to argue with libs who make arguments so old that literally Marx himself responded to them. I get the impression that Marxists already won the debate back in the 19th century and the liberal tactic has just been to pretend the debate has never happened, to continue repeating centuries-old arguments over and over again as if they've never been responded to, and to discourage anyone from looking into Marxism or reading Marx, Lenin, Mao, etc.

    by aimixin

      10 months ago

      This reminds me of the deboonking of Marxism by Bawerk or whatever his name is. Anti-communists allege that no one has ever made a counter argument, showing that communism is epically owned. I eventually found out that Conforth demolished that shit not long after it came out, but the lolberts never bring that up.