• Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        One thing I've yet to see, but it would extremely funny to see: Polish nationalists defending either the Bolsheviks or Romanovs depending on what the worm parliament in their brain decides. Death to those who subjugated Poland under brutal imperial rule, or death to the evil commies who they also think subjugated Poland under imperial rule.

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          Oh Polish nationalists defend tsar every single time when the bolsheviks comes into equation, though often in roundabout way. Their hatred for the tsars rarily comes past the January uprising.

          • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            Well then I'm happy I never got into those sentiments because one thing that helped fight my own brain worms regarding communism was realizing that without the Bolsheviks Poland might as well have not been realistically recreated. Don't know how correct I'm on that, but it did help me break the barrier of thinking "gommunizm zło, vuvuzela zero ajfona".

            • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              Well i was always one leg in the tank i guess, since even as an apolitical idiot, or even worse later, a succdem, i always knew that Soviets saved us all from nazis (and in case of my grandparents absolutely literally) and that even late PRL, depsite less colourful trash around, was better. Seriously fuck succdems, they always sabotage socialism.

              And yeah, Poland was recreated solely because all three partitioning powers lost big time - Germany was in turmoil and crashed hard (and even then the Silesian and Greater Poland uprisings met with resistence), A-H stopped existing and was broken to pieces, same for Russian empire. If there wasn't a October Revolution and Russia remained in entente and had any semblances of organised army, Poland would probably never gained independence back then.