
Shortly before opening, Casa Bonita’s new owners Matt Stone and Trey Parker decided to eliminate tipping and instead pay workers a flat wage of $30 per hour.

Now I could be wrong, but getting a an hourly wage as a restaurant worker is FAR better than relying on tips. I feel like either workers in this situation are too obsessed with tips or there’s huge context missing.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    7 months ago

    South Park is for juvenile contrarians and baby brained libertarians. There nothing complex about it.

      7 months ago

      It's certainly more nuanced and intelligent than the majority of people who reply to me here and seem incapable of any argument other than insults. So far I've mostly add positive interaction on Lemmy, this community is fill with people who seem to live beyond their intellectual means.

      7 months ago

      I feel like this sub is just privilege wannabes justice warriors, there's nothing complex about all the point people are making. insults are not a valid argument.

      • TraumaDumpling
        7 months ago

        you are defending a show with one of the most transphobic caricatures ever made on a site that is largely queer or queer-positive. i don't know what you expect man. you have to give examples to prove your point if you want people to engage in detail, but instead you revert directly to calling your critics idiots (in the most reddit-brained passive aggressive humblebragging way possible) for simply stating their contrary opinion.

          7 months ago

          Lol, I'm trying to discuss, it's actually all of people who cant accept challenging idea without resorting to insults. You really didn't get the point of the show on trans people I see. It is in fact a reflection on the way in which majorities often have the possibility of appropriating the reality of minorities to turn it into ridicule. I am very serious, you should consider watching it again.

          • renatadeux
            7 months ago

            deleted by creator

          • TraumaDumpling
            7 months ago

            lmfao ms. garrison is one of the most disgusting caricatures of trans people ever created and you are an idiot for defending that shit. it's blatantly obvious. they might as well replace the jewish characters with harry potter goblins. i'm not talking about any particular episode, any with ms. garrison are just vile disgusting transphobia.

          • HornyOnMain
            7 months ago

            I am very serious

            dril for some reason people arent believing the "I am very serious" shirt i put on each morning before logging on to tell a lemmy instance for trans socialists that the blatantly transphobic right wing show for edgy teenage libertarians i like is actually a progressive left wing show

      • Adkml [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Calling anybody who points out libertarians are vapid morons "privellaged wannabee justice warriors" could be an entire season of Southpark.

        Nobody is surprised the dumbshit libertarian dude thinks Southpark is clever and subversive.