Hunter Biden illegally deducted tens of thousands of dollars in payments made to a prostitute and a sex club from his taxes, according to bombshell IRS whistleblower testimony to Congress released on Thursday.

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
    10 months ago

    We don't have a horse in this race. The only active voting constituency they try to appease these days are the precarious and reactionary petite bourgeois. The capitalist parties by their very nature care little about working people and only give concessions when their hierarchy of injustices is mortally threatened.

    With that in mind, I will be voting PSL again in protest just like the last time. Trump still won my so-called swing state by a comfortable margin. All the Democrats here care about is fundraising in Palm Beach. Less than 6000 third party voters aren't gonna make up the 100k plus margin. We didn't do that, the Democrats did through their own negligence. Yet just like their precious Orwell, the Democratic Party can't be wrong. It's always the same excuses and I'm tired of it.