• @DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev
    5 months ago

    It may take a violent revolution, but I don't trust any tankie to bring about a utopia after the dust settles once all the fascists and corporatists get their due. They're just another flavor of authoritarian statists.

    The rulership of the revolutionary party forever is all they're interested in. Seizing the means of production "for the party", never really for the proletariat, who they will happily execute once their usefulness has been served. As history has shown time and again.

    Sorry your so butt hurt by sarcasm and "posturing", but I'm old enough to spot wannabe populist dictators and their ball-garglers easily. They get nothing but contempt, ridicule, or fists, knives, and bullets when they get really grabby.

    They can all kick rocks, barefoot.🖕🏽

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Oh my god dude you sound so pathetic right now. If you actually do hold radical left beliefs of any kind and it's not just a cute online label for you (really doubt that but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt) go outside, touch some fucking grass, and organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it. We've all heard your bullshit "anti tankie" tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you're not changing any minds and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

      • @DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev
        5 months ago

        organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it.

        I do. I'm part of a union. And I vote regularly, and talk to my peers, colleagues and friends about politics especially at the local level. I have attended debates and lectures as well.

        We've all heard your bullshit "anti tankie" tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you're not changing any minds

        Hey numbskull, did you forget what the original thread meme was about in the first place? I'm not saying any of this to change minds en masse; the question was to paraphrase, "what is your opinion counter to what many other's is?"

        You're so butt hurt, you gloss over the original meme in the first place just to tell me I'm full of shit. Wow, didn't expect that from tankies at all. 🙄

        and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

        Cool beans, tough guy, not here to "impress", just answering a meme question. Remember?

        Go suck each other's dick on hexbear or lemmygrad about "how ya got me good". I'm sure I'll be malding all night about it.

        Good luck with the revolution, "sPaCe_CoMrAdE". 🖕🏽

        • space_comrade [he/him]
          5 months ago

          Oh my god dude get over yourself, I feel sorry for the people around you if you're this obnoxious IRL.

          • @DeepGradientAscent@programming.dev
            5 months ago

            Please cry harder about some stranger's opinions about tankies, you butt-hurt twat. Then all the people who hate me can start a revolution for your fee-fees.
