• FlakesBongler [they/them]
    6 months ago

    Gotta love how this counts as a dunk for her (or the intern who puts this shit out)

    It's the equivalent of giving someone a smug look as they flip you off in public

    Actually good sir, you're the foolish one for resorting to such crass behavior hillary

    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Every insult she makes of him is followed in the reader's mind with "and he beat you"

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      the intern

      When she was a candidate - I assumed dozens of people were involved in checking/approving each tweet. But now that she isn't a candidate or in office - I wonder how her check/approval system works.

      My hunch is that she and an aide or two write up a "rough draft" of the tweet. That's shared with at least one consultant who gives feedback. The aides make changes if needed. They get in touch with Hillary and she gives final approval. I assume she does that for each and every tweet - even this silly one word effort.