Since COVID is really popping again, I'm going back to masking. I would wear KN95/N95s but those stink after a while and you can't wash it. Cloth masks aren't as effective but has to be better than nothing, right?

Is there any special type of mask which can be reused and washed while having ok protection against COVID?

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    9 months ago

    I buy a bunch of aura 9205+ off Amazon when I see them on sale. Prolly got enough for another 2 months.

    Thinking about trying the 9210+ after my current stock runs out. They've got the fabric elastic that should last a bit longer.

    If you're using kn95 they're reasonably cheap in bulk. But I find they don't seal as well for me and I prefer the off the ear elastic of the auras.

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      9 months ago

      I'm running down my supply of Auro 9205+ as well, and will probably switch to 9210+ after.

      But if we're talking about what we do when we leave the house, other than masking, I also use the Covixyl nasal spray, which cuts down viral load/chance of infection by roughly 60% (but offers even more protection against long COVID, since COVID infecting a nerve from the nasal cavity like the nervus terminalis or olfactory nerve is the cause of long COVID).

      Even though Covixyl is what my immediate family and I use, I've had an easier time getting extended family to use Betadine nasal spray (80% risk reduction, active ingredient iota-carrageenan). Other might choose another nasal spray (like xylitol, 62% risk reduction) depending on allergies. A comparison of different nasal sprays:

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        9 months ago

        Yeah, As I said in the other thread I covixyl as well. A pleasant surprise was finding out my sister uses it when she's going to volunteer at her kid's school... but her kid and her, husband who is a teacher, don't take any precautions... So I'm not sure what the heck is going on in her head. Maybe she's just trying to avoid getting sick and dealing with downtime, I guess.