China's gonna be a phenomenal world leader.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago

    I don’t know about that. The short-lived communist government of Afghanistan already gave women the rights to enroll in formal education and hold professional jobs, until it was couped by US-backed conservative forces in the name of anti-Soviet communism.

    Yeah but... That failed.

    Not entirely because of women's liberation obviously.. But what do you think will happen if China goes and militarily props up some communists to run Afghanistan? Exactly the same thing that happened with the USSR. Afghanistan doesn't exist in a vacuum and exterior forces will use all of these things as weapons to overthrow the communists. They would absolutely prop up right wing extremists to kick out communists if that is what China installed. It's how we got to where we are today in fact. The method needs to be more durable.

    I don't think doing what failed previously will produce different results. The US would back the fucking Taliban if it meant fucking with China via proxy war.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Lmao I think we'd need some extraordinary circumstances to get that to happen. I doubt various capitalists were unaware of the danger of what they were doing when they secretly backed russian communists because they were competing with tsarist russia. They were pushed to it.

        Not impossible though.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          6 months ago

          I was 100% joking. Pretty sure if civil war flared up China would simply withdraw and tell whoever wins to call up for some trade deals.