Fucking gone. Get fucked.

Private reports for months and months? Fuck all results.

A bit of public agitation kicks off and itchio freaked the fuck out and blasted it instantly.

EDIT: Celebration might be premature, it's been taken down pending investigation of whether it breaks their ToS or not. It could reappear, hopefully fucking not though. Gonna publicly agitate even more if it does, this shit works.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago


    EDIT: They didn't drag their feet as soon as any complaints were happening in public channels and other people would be able to see that they had clearly received and ignored said complaints. Private complaints are more easily ignored.

    • alexandra_kollontai [she/her]
      6 months ago

      How would itch.io make money from this game? Unlike Steam it doesn't take a cut of revenue (unless the game creator chooses to give some away). https://itch.io/docs/general/about