I actually dont know if this is a torment nexus situation i havent read the book or seen the movie lol. But people are making that joke!

  • Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago

    by completing a Back to the Future quest on the planet Zemeckis.

    The thing about "quests" in a world like this is that every single company would want the quests for their IPs to be easy as shit so as many people as possible have their IP to spread advertising around.

    There would be zero challenge involved in this shit. They would all be instantly meaningless because nobody would make anything that makes owning any of it feel rewarding.

    LTV applies to digital rewards. There is no "reward value" if there is no labour to achieve it.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Look the author isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. We're supposed to believe that for more than a decade, nobody, including multiple corporate peons for whom it is literally a full-time job, ever realized that a "riddle" containing the phrase "in a tomb filled with horrors" was pointing towards The Tomb of Horrors. You know, just probably the most famous D&D module there is? The first thing that I thought of the moment I read it?