Hi comrades, welcome to the Improvement Megathread! unity

I plan to post a new weekly megathread here every Sunday. I think Sunday is a good day to review the previous week and make some plans for the following week. If somebody else wants to post a new megathread anytime, just let me know.

Here are some ideas for discussion:

  • Do you want to share something you've done in the previous week?

Even if you did only 1 push-up, read 1 page, meditated for 1 minute, or touched 1 blade of grass, let us know about it. When it comes to making progress, everything counts. The most important thing is to make progress, no matter how small.

  • What would you like to do next week?
  • What aspect of life would you like to improve?
  • Do you have any streaks? For example, "sober for one day." Feel free to post your streak every day in this thread.
  • If you don't have a continuous streak, did you manage to abstain from something for a day or more?
  • Did you come across some useful information or resource that might help others?

Of course, this is not a definitive list. And feel free to make a separate post in the comm for any of these topics. This is just a megathread for all the stuff that you want to share but don't feel like making a new post.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

And remember the Golden Rule of Hexbear:



  • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    I already posted about my attempting to get our house organized. I got my desk(me space) almost done and it is already starting to feel less noisy.

    We took a bin and put it on our water cooler and filled it with our meds. So that clears a bit of my cooking space over that I've been trying desperately to reclaim.

    Unexpected but also completely expected but I think I'm going down a rabbit hole of neurodivergent focused texts and suddenly wanna know everyone's story. Got done with "Unmasking Autism" and started on "What I Mean When I Say I'm Autistic" by Annie Kotowicz and although it feels like she wrote it for NT's to read, I feel like it's very apt for newly diagnosed Autistics because you get a view into another NDer's life and get a better understanding of how we are all different and also very similar in many different ways. I literally want more of this. It's a super easy read too so it's going in my rec pile.

    This next week I wanna do a bit of digital decluttering. I'm gonna finally migrate my comms from lemmygrad over to Hexbear and actually set up a sub list. I love my lemmygrad comrades but I feel more at home here. I've been hanging out here and neglecting a wider community I feel like and wanna get more active across both servers.

    I think that's my big one.

    I need to re-edit this story I'm working on because I use Transhuman as a main story device but I really don't like how that word looks, especially after reading a bit more on Epstein. So that's another big one.

    I got a double session with my therapist coming up by my request too. I have a lot of shit I need to unpack after the holidays and after finally reading more about my diagnosis and wanna start working on how to both still be me but also how to mask when I need to(or should? Like with meeting new people or interviewing for jobs and such.)

    That's sort of my current stack.

    I'm also gonna look into what I can actually do locally to help ND friends and other marginalized people. I used to say I wanted to get into politics and fix it that way but our local politics is an absolute clown show. I think I might be better suited just pissing them off instead since they don't wanna work to better improve our lives unless we are old, rich, white, trad nuclear marriage enjoyers. I have no idea what this idea will look like as it develops, or where it goes but I feel like maybe it's finally my mark to leave on this shit hole town.