Leslie time, y'all. Surprisingly, this is my first Leslie post of the week. Consider yourselves lucky.

Up for discussion this week is anything from chapters 7 through 8. These discussion points kinda majorly fucking suck still.

  • What are your feelings about the book overall?
  • How did you react to Leslie spitting mad anti-capitalist facts in chapter 8? :CommiePOGGERS:
  • Are you still on your "lesser-of-two-evils" bullshit? 👀
  • What did you learn?
  • Was anything eye opening to you?
  • Are there any misconceptions about particular aspects of the trans community that have maybe been torn down?
  • Did anything make you reflect on how you view your own gender identity or expression?
  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • Are there things that brought out intense emotion?
  • Was there anything that really reaffirmed your beliefs as a leftist or motivated you to be more based like Leslie? - Please, God. Remove me from this nightmare.

This thread will be featured for 24 hours then will remain pinned in !transenby_liberation for the remainder of the week. I'm thinking about keeping a general discussion thread pinned in the comm for anyone listening to the audio books to chime in and drop comments.

original thread
week #1 thread
week #2 thread
pdf download
epub download - Huge shout out to comrade @EugeneDebs for putting this together. I realized I didn't credit them in either post but here it is. I appreciate your efforts. ❤️
chapter 1 audiobook - Huge shout out to comrade @futomes for recording these. No words can truly express my appreciation for this. Thank you so much. ❤️
chapter 2 audiobook
chapter 3 audiobook
chapter 4 audiobook
chapter 5 audiobook
chapter 6 audiobook
chapter 7 audiobook
chapter 8 audiobook

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    fuck i love that line "I’ve never wanted to change myself to conform to bigots. My goal is to change the society so that there isn’t oppression." so much. Unironically i'd love to see that as one of the chapo.chat home taglines (idk what they're called, but they change on reload)

    • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      I lowkey requested it be added, haha. It's just such an empowering line of thinking and I'm very motivated to push myself because of it.