Listen, this user is a terminally online anarchist who complains about tankies and calls Stalin genocidal. But shes correct about this one. Mostly. I mean using the term "bedtime abolition" sounds dumb but Im pretty sure she only did that because its a common joke about anarchists. The core point is about how 9-5 work schedules dont work for everyone. As an ND person who struggles with culturally normal sleep schedules, I absolutely agree that society needs to accomodate these things. I absolutely agree that its literally normal talk everyone says that work schedules suck.

People saying "just go to bed on time" or "just pop a melatonin" have never been in the position of trying to do that and failing, just laying awake for hours until you finally fall asleep two hours before you need to be up.

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    9 months ago

    Nah. I've seen people literally argue that giving children a bedtime is by definition oppressive. Hence the bedtime abolition thing.

    This person is trying conflate a critique of the 9-5 standard work/schoolschedule, which most of the tankies she hates would agree with, with the sort of juvenile lifestylism that is rife among these types of people. She's just trying to rehabilitate the more embarrassing views of people she considers to be ideologically aligned with her

    Edit: literally this right here in the replies, this is why people talk about bedtime abolitionists. This person is literally saying that bedtimes should be abolished!
