It's basically the new /r/GenZedong.

They should've done this way before this became a problem.

I'd like Nakoichi's thoughts on this as well.

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
    4 months ago

    GenZedong was cool, although very shitposty. The subs that replaced GenZedong (Dongistan and such) were terrible though, allowing actual fascists to vibe in there just because they happened to support Russia at the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

    • voight [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      every version of Dongistan is trash, that's worth mentioning lol

      turanic racism caucus

      • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
        4 months ago

        I only ever saw it on Reddit, not surprised though. That subreddit (Dongistan) was literally what lemmy libs describe Hexbear as, red fascists. Proof that leftist movements without theory quickly devolve into liberal sensationalism

        • voight [he/him, any]
          4 months ago

          I remember in 2019-2020 the Infrared mods were like openly trying to parlay with TrueAnon fans, because they interact with other "online debate" communities that act like that, where there are like alliances and shit. Very bizarre.

          They genuinely were just like "hmm, Epstein didn't kill himself, vaccine skepticism, maybe these are also our guys? poke em"

          Not a leftist movement, it's more like the false Buddhist monk's Discord, Bhante Varrapanyo. Right down to the former rightist + religion debate overlap. (Go look up people on /r/Buddhism complaining about him if you're curious lmao, allegedly he was waving around bales of cash and screaming.)

          GZD and Deprogram and Chapo are really only as different as they want to make themselves out to be, they act like similar manifestations. At least GZD is actually politically connected to the Landless Workers' Movement in Brazil, and you all donate to Chunka Luta. I guess Tankie Bunker has CPUSA, which definitely exists.

            • voight [he/him, any]
              4 months ago

              Also to be clear, I am now phone number banned from Discord and Telegram, so I dunno what goes on now. I remember cool international people in da Bunker. I think Andassol was in there? He's chill

              It feels disgusting being phone number banned, not because I can't use it without a spoofed number or whatever, but because I know I got the chopping block when so many creepy Nazis and whatnot remained.

            • voight [he/him, any]
              4 months ago

              The discord the reply bot in informed tankie, balticssrs, sendinthetanks, etcetera, links you to. Maybe they stopped doing that idk.

              Fun fact! — You can get banned from Discord in the process of getting your sub banned because the companies are tight. Lol

        • voight [he/him, any]
          4 months ago

          I still think this is giving patsocs and people too much credit 😂 they just sidle up to people who they notice have potential overlapping conversation topics. They barely know what is even happening