Original thread.

Title kinda says all.

I'll have my own reply later.

Special weekly question:

What are you most anticipating for 2024 in terms of games?

  • GinAndJuche
    8 months ago

    To answer your question: my most anticipated is the new yakuza game, we spoke on that befor though. So I’ll be saying the final release of quasimorph. It’s Tarkov meets Xcom in an post alien rapture ancapistan. If that makes any sense you must be one of the writing team, but it has awesome gameplay and a solid atmosphere (oh, a feathered serpent is eating earth, let’s short lunar sticks and send a merc to steal some prototypes before the moon gets too fucked). It’s just space mercs trying to profit of the actual rapture and hilarious in a grimdark way as a result.