share your own stories if you like!

  • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    This Christmas, my friendly neighbor said that when he shared with his wife the cookies I made for them, she said, "Wow! They're all so perfectly shaped."


    Not that they taste good or were baked well - they're visually uniform!

    🤦🤷😂 k ty

    idk if I will make cookies for anyone but my household and strangers next year. I wish I had given the neighbors' batch to the trash men, they're always super excited when I leave them gifts.

    • context [fae/faer, fae/faer]
      8 months ago

      I wish I had given the neighbors' batch to the trash men, they're always super excited when I leave them gifts.

      rat-salute unironically all glory and honor to the members of our neighborhood hygiene services!

      • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        For real though. If you like giving gifts, especially surprise ones, sanitation workers and deliveryfolk are fun targets. When I leave a plate of treats out for them, the trash guys honk a bunch and hoot and holler as they leave my driveway 😂🥰 so cute, I love them.