My podcast feed is looking pretty light these days. Looking for recommendations, especially if they have a leftist bent.

  • FloridaBoi [he/him]
    6 months ago
    • guerrilla history
    • Qanon Anonymous
    • Trillbilly Worker’s Party
    • Tech Won’t Save Us
    • Radio War Nerd
    • Millenials are killing capitalism
    • This is hell
    • the deprogram
    • Citations Needed
    • The dig
    • Cars and comrades (they’re users on this site)
    • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      I heavily second This Is Hell. It’s really good and there’s a million back episodes. Chuck is a great interviewer and radio host.

        • FloridaBoi [he/him]
          6 months ago

          I’d catch any of the recent Palestine ones (although they had someone who rejected the labeling of Israel as a settler-colony because “it confused the issue”) or browse any title that catches your interest.

          Caveat: They have all kinds of guests from libs to Marxists which means they’ll occasionally have some weirdo who will mention totalitarian China / Soviet Union. There’s a German historian who hosts an occasional segment called The Past Inside The Present and it kinda sucks so I skip them.