I read it before bed and it deeply disturbed me
I read it before bed and it deeply disturbed me
He will simply be found in a burning vehicle, with a gunshot wound and it will be ruled a suicide. Many such cases
Holy shit
“The fact that this was a Cybertruck really limited the damage that occurred inside of the valet, because it had most of the blast go up through the truck and out,” McMahill said. He noted that the glass front doors to the hotel were not broken during the explosion.
“I have to thank Elon Musk specifically,” he added, noting that Musk gave authorities “quite a bit of additional information,” including directly sending them video from Tesla charging stations to help with their efforts to track the driver.
it's like how they give out best actor oscars
Lloyds of London
how tf are they insuring hurricane prone floridians??? there is obviously massive corruption in the state but like this has to be some extra-predatory shit for some massive international insurance company to also be here
edit: I guess I had no idea what lloyd's is. it's a market of members not a company.
this feels like a form of organized abandonment that RW Gilmore talks about.
From my experience, private homeowner's insurance is 50-100% more than Citizen's which is what I have. They keep threatening to levy a 15% charge but that's still cheaper than paying for private insurance. It seems like if I get kicked off then I can't ever get Citizen's again or something like that.
The link that says game dev server?
But only in the underground service tunnels
I will never die
✅ YES: $0.99
❌ NO: $0.01
just got this game. installing now
The national police also have a green uniform which is referenced in a song by referring to them as the “martians” aka little green men
this is the first time I've seen a whole website as an embed
it just means the True Patriots™ are in charge
There are accessibility settings to change the sensitivity for a lot of gestures. Your friend should google their issue
I like tapping the top center and scrolling to the top
She’s a Pete Peterson follower
Sounds like a line out of Spec Ops