Is it just because DF was developed on the fringe that it gets away with having infants and children that people use atom smashers on and have core game mechanics where monsters come snatch them?

Or is it something about the implementation that makes it drama-less to everyone?

As far as I'm aware anything that can happen to a Dwarf can happen to an infant or child.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    5 months ago

    I haven't played in years, but from what I remember over the course of a few games, with things going horribly wrong in FUN ways, I stopped feeling like i'd failed when bad things happened to my dorfs and it was just like "Okay, the elephant thing was pretty fucked up, but the fortress survived and if we can just hold the zombies at bay until spring we'll get more colonists and then the elves will bring wood and..." and I just started rolling with it, trying to hold things together, reveling in my dorf's victories and building them very fancy tombs when they were torn apart by macaques or something.

    The construction of fancy tombs is the essence of df. The game isn't fun if you're not taking frequent horrible losses.