I saw some people on Reddit discussing whether someone was being orientalist, and I agreed they were simply by using the phrase "zen-like concentration". I'm not offended by them using this term, I just find it stupid. "Zen-like" has absolutely no meaning, but gives an air of eastern spirituality and mysticism. I personally think you should only be able to use that phrase if you can give a detailed and verifiable explanation about the differences between zen-like concentration, huayan-like concentration, mahasthabir nikaya-like concentration, and chan-like concentration, as well as recognize that the last one is exactly the same as zen.

And why is it only ever "zen-like"? I'm sure everyone would find it strange if Asians suddenly started to use the terms "seventh day adventism-like" or "independent fundamentalist baptist-like" to refer to the elements of American culture they find exotic.

  • TraumaDumpling
    1 year ago

    western spiritual traditions are farcical, and show no curiosity whatsoever into the various types of religious experience or other anomalous mental states. like the various types of Buddhism have whole lexicons and conceptual maps of all kinds of specific features of consciousness, whereas Christians merely justify whatever whim or gut feeling they have by attributing it to Jesus or God or An Angel and if you do anything like 'meditation' they think you are a satanist or a victim of satanist propaganda. so in typical angloid fashion we steal whatever terms from other cultures we deem useful and forget the entire context or origin or purpose of the concepts we steal.

    TL:DR it would be weird to say 'seventh day adventism-like' because there is no specific meditative or mental practices associated with that religious tradition, as whitoids are soulless ice mutant people with primitive barbaric cultures that revolve purely around colonialism (theft) and warfare. the angloid brainpan is incapable of the advanced thought required for spiritual pursuits or even complicated philosophical investigation.

    • WithoutFurtherBelay
      1 year ago

      the angloid brainpan is incapable of the advanced thought required for spiritual pursuits or even complicated philosophical investigation

      not quite true, we are more than capable of complicated philosophical investigation, as long as it never gets anywhere or actually helps anyone. The moment you suggest something even remotely practicable you will be eliminated.

      • TraumaDumpling
        1 year ago

        philosophy: maybe we should think about stuff sometimes, like fundamental questions concerning rationality and knowledge and reality

        westoids: ogey

        westoids: writes nothing but apologia for the status quo

        philosophy: westoids, how could you possibly think that's what i mea-

        westoids: another certified bangerimperialism

        • WithoutFurtherBelay
          1 year ago

          philosophy is when a big strong man came and said "no more wokeism" and that was philosophy