A great piece by Julia Serano on 'male socialization', and misunderstandings about transmisogyny.

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    5 months ago

    The only thing the article says about Skinner is that people no longer believe in the human mind being a blank slate, which is objectively true. I'm not sure what rock you'd have to look under to find a mainstream orthodox behavioralist in 2024.

    • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I'm sorry I very much do not agree and respect your points and do not accept invocation of "objectively true" to stand in for an argument or evidence which would indicate what you stated is or approaches being objective. You can see the long comments I wrote right before this. I will be sleeping soon and will not respond to the content of what you wrote. I'm sorry for that, I will let what you said marinate and consider it while I finish reading Skinner's work.