Some games from the past play a lot worse in hindsight than others. What recent, decently-liked video games do you expect to suffer this curse?

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    5 个月前

    The Live-Service model should be consigned to the dustbin of history

    That being said, Destiny is one of my favorite games

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        5 个月前


        You don't like dying to some guy named FartDong(Stinky) who crawled into a loose chunk of scenery to two-tap you with a gold plated Trials gun that's gonna get nerfed to shit in a week, somehow causing the cycle to repeat itself?

          5 个月前

          Oh that wasn't the issue at all, even if I never was gonna be a punched ticket to the Lighthouse; I was a dirty Nightstalker who ran Oathkeep/Monarque. No, tearing out all the Freelance modes, adding Rift to comp, and the broke-dick rework of the 'ranking' system they implemented was what got me to write it off.

      • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
        5 个月前

        Played the living shit out of warframe but never tried destiny despite the comparisons, is it worth at least a shot?

        fwiw I give precisely zero fucks about pvp

        • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
          5 个月前

          Played the living shit out of warframe but never tried destiny despite the comparisons, is it worth at least a shot?

          The raids are great, the PvP is shit, the non-raid PvE stuff gets old super fast. It also still has an absurdly bad new player experience. As someone with thousands of hours in D2 I really cannot recommend picking it up unless you already have a good static group for it to do the actually fun content with, because LFGing for that sucks hard.

          • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
            5 个月前

            Yeah I don't know anyone who plays and don't wanna bother with a new group for the good shit, so sounds like a pass


          5 个月前

          At this point no. The cost to on-ramp and stay invested is just too high at this point, and the story's damned near over. + Bungie's on some weird, probably Sony-directed bullshit to the point that they really blamed the playerbase recently for their layoff issue. Something about 'the playerbase isn't spending enough'.