Just going to post this cartoon from 2016 which is unrelated


  • @Kaplya
    5 months ago

    What are you basing this on?

    The lines are going up everywhere for the rich people. The economy is seriously doing very well if you belong to the top 1-5% in America right now. They all tried to fantasize about how Biden would screw up the economy but it never happened lol. It only made them far richer than when they were under Trump. Now, nobody wants the gravy train to stop.

    The most impressive part is that Biden managed to make rich people richer while screwing poor people along the way. Biden gave them the satisfaction of being able to see poor people suffering while their numbers go up. That’s something they had wanted Trump to deliver but didn’t happen.

    Worth noting that Hillary pulled in more funds than Trump did in 2016 and she still got washed

    Which is exactly why they won’t let this happen a second time.

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I should also note, money isn't being used to buy votes directly. What it gets spent on matters, and the DNC is primarily about spending that money within your circle of friends and family. If you raise twice as much money as the GOP but you spend it on your dumbshit failson consultant friends who just want to re-do the 2016 campaign strategy, well, good luck.