saying something this edgy does not absolve you of bigotry

edit: for anyone stumbling into the drama, i probably should have elaborated on this post. I am not saying you can't make fun of white people not being able to eat spicy food or anything, but at some point it becomes self-flagellating. to quote comrade RedQuestionAsker:

It's good to challenge white supremacy in all of its incarnations at all time. It's certainly good to refuse to be proud to be white considering what the concept of whiteness is.

It's another thing to performatively hate yourself in a cocktail of millennial self-deprecation and liberal white guilt. It's not revolutionary, and it's probably not good for you.

that is all. comrades just know i dont hate any of you. i'm not trying to start a slapfight. i just saw this as weird performative behavior and wanted to call it out.

  • WithoutFurtherBelay
    8 months ago

    Making another post because I wonder if the sheer amount of white people doing it is because, unlike what reactionaries think, non-white comrades aren’t actually “reverse racist” against white people, and probably are genuinely uncomfortable with doing the bit. I might be wrong, I’m a white cracker so I don’t know for sure.

    It could also have something to do with the fact that statements of hatred against all white people is something that meets physical consequences in the real world for non-white people when they say it, so unlike white people who are able to say it without consequence, non-white comrades have to struggle past the ever-present implicit threat that white supremacy poses to make any such statement.

    So these two things might be why we usually see “fuck all kkkrakkkers” type posts made by white people. It’s both a lot more awkward to jokingly deride a group you’re not a part of, and similar behavior is more likely to receive backlash by white supremacist forces IRL when it is done by non-white as opposed to white people (I only use “non-white” as a signifier here to denote between people with and without white privilege)