saying something this edgy does not absolve you of bigotry

edit: for anyone stumbling into the drama, i probably should have elaborated on this post. I am not saying you can't make fun of white people not being able to eat spicy food or anything, but at some point it becomes self-flagellating. to quote comrade RedQuestionAsker:

It's good to challenge white supremacy in all of its incarnations at all time. It's certainly good to refuse to be proud to be white considering what the concept of whiteness is.

It's another thing to performatively hate yourself in a cocktail of millennial self-deprecation and liberal white guilt. It's not revolutionary, and it's probably not good for you.

that is all. comrades just know i dont hate any of you. i'm not trying to start a slapfight. i just saw this as weird performative behavior and wanted to call it out.

  • AlicePraxis
    3 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    8 months ago

    let's kill the structures of white supremacy so that "white" isn't really a thing

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    8 months ago

    Personally, I would like to see some of that energy being used for more productive anti-racist actions

    But then again, this a website for little goofy people sometimes and that means that people will be little and goofy sometimes

  • niph [she/her]
    8 months ago

    As a poc I hate seeing these jokes because I worry that the poster thinks this is what poc actually want and are “aligning” in some misguided way with us, which just feeds into the “hur hur what if whites were a minority they would be treated just as badly as today’s minorities” nonsense from the chuds

    Did that paragraph make any sense I just woke up

  • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    On a non edgy note, being white but having class consciousness and being anti racist in cracker town USA sucks. The shit white people say to you that they think is acceptable is insane. It's like the power and privilege just poisons their souls. Whiteness as an institution/class, whatever it is, legit needs to be destroyed.

  • GaveUp [love/loves]
    8 months ago

    I agree, it's incredibly self serving and you're not fooling anybody

    I bet many other POC feel the same as me but I rarely even complain about white people here because I know it's like 90% white so it's just an audience that could never empathize with what I'm saying

    • SerLava [he/him]
      8 months ago

      most people HERE specifically are probably doing it to signify either that it's funny, or that they aren't silently brooding, or to make fun of the lemmy people taking it seriously. It's more like a "har har" than going doe-eyed and slowly nodding like "yeah no, I know, I know, actually my partner and I decided against having children because white supremacy is..."

      ymmv for other groups of people

      • worldonaturtle [they/them]
        8 months ago

        If we keep up the joke it will no longer be a joke. Total support for the message going from ironic to serious!

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          8 months ago

          This is exactly what happened to r/pcmasterrace and probably a hundred other examples I'm forgetting.

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      I bet many other POC feel the same

      I don't, I enjoy making white jokes

      I don't straight up advocate violence though (but I will always upvote a white comrade doing it to themselves, because it's funny)

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    8 months ago

    They're not particularly valuable posts

    If hexbears wanna express their frustrations with racism or white supremacy I think it's fair to give them a platform to vent, but self-flagellation doesn't really do anything

  • HeavenAndEarth [she/her]
    8 months ago

    It's a shibboleth for this community. Something you use to alienate people who don't know that, under all those layers of irony, you don't actually want to kill white people. Also preserves the identity of the community as an edgy/crass leftist space.

    • HauntedBySpectacle [he/him, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      It doesn't need to be racist to be cringe or unhelpful

      Honestly I thought these jokes were funny 3 or 4 years ago but have we not beat the dead horse enough at this point? It's just overplayed now

      • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
        8 months ago

        We can reassess it’s necessity when the underlying critiques of white supremacy stop being relevant

        • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
          8 months ago

          In the last 24 hours one of the biggest of these threads can be distilled down to saying "Skiing is white supremacist for only being in places with cold climates", "snow is racist", and "sports that do not specifically cater to me and the place I live are inherently bourgeois." People just blew up a thread about skiing bitching about the gear being expensive in California, imagining that people would make fun of them for using old gear (most people think retro gear is dope), and saying that it's problematic because it doesn't exist in [places where snow does not fall]

          Half of the threads that are ostensibly about hating white people are posted by a couple of users who mostly post these types of threads very clearly as a form of self harm.

          These arguments are not as productive or relevant as you think.

          • HauntedBySpectacle [he/him, comrade/them]
            8 months ago

            The same OP of that thread called a biracial person in this thread a "half cracker" to dismiss their discomfort with posts they feel are hateful or self-hateful.

            I think we should be able to recognize that there is a line crossed by some of these posts where they aren't really jokes anymore, and actually reflect essentialist ideology. that's a lack of theoretical understanding, and worse, a lack of kindness and empathy for different perspectives.

            • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
              8 months ago

              Essentiallist ideology and a lack of theoretical understanding

              this There is one thing, exactly one thing I agree with right wingers about, and that's that white guilt is liberalism

            • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
              8 months ago

              "cracker is not a real slur and cannot be used in a genuinely hateful way"

              Hexbear: you wanna bet?

          • Riffraffintheroom [none/use name]
            8 months ago

            I don’t think they’re self harming. I read them and all I can see is “please please please please please please like me” with a little “lol jk” to make it go down an easier.

            • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
              8 months ago

              There very definitely are some users who clearly post when spiralling and will post a handful of very clearly self-harming posts each month most of which get removed by mods for being buckwild, and maybe one of which from the beginning of the spiral gets left up and then becomes one of these struggle session posts you're talking about.

          • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
            8 months ago

            I don't want any comrades to self-harm, yes, even if they are white


        • HauntedBySpectacle [he/him, comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          I don't think they educate anyone in that. If one finds them funny, one is already well convinced of critiques of white supremacy. They're jokes, not education.

          I just want more creative jokes tbh

        • Egon
          1 month ago

          deleted by creator

    • blakeus12 [they/them, he/him]
      8 months ago

      i'm not saying we cant clown on mayos but come on. there's a certain point where it stops being making fun of white people and crosses into weird self-hatred and white guilt and stops being funny.

  • keepcarrot [she/her]
    8 months ago

    3 threads greater than 100 comments. Truly, this is one of the weeks where decades happens. I haven't read any of them.

        • Comp4 [comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          My fave struggle sessions are outdoor cats and rockstacking. Absolute evergreens

          • Egon
            1 month ago

            deleted by creator

            • FactuallyUnscrupulou [he/him]
              8 months ago

              I don't remember the rock stacking struggle session. What was the Hexbear consensus on that? Personally I knock those rock stacks down when I hike by them.

              • Egon
                1 month ago

                deleted by creator

                • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                  8 months ago

                  attempts at playing it off as a bit/something silly

                  Ironically, a really bad bit

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          The two big ones in the early days were over transphobic users and veganism. We've had a no tolerance policy for transphobia this whole time and that was kind of whiplash for early users. Lots of people with unexamined reactionary views who weren't used to strict guidelines on how to talk about trans stuff. A lot of them were against pronouns in user profiles.

          But the absolute legends will always be outdoor cats and rock stacking next to rivers

            • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
              8 months ago

              Oh, this week the big thing has been about whether or not it's ok to disparage against white people, like say that you hate white people. And then a struggle over if white people saying cracker is trying to be like one of the good whites. And then a struggle about whites making everything about themselves. It's been wild

  • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    I usually try not to engage in discussions about this stuff (except for once before like years ago), but maybe I'll indulge a little bit and just say that not only does it make me uncomfortable when I see it, but I also know that it actively turns many people away from ideas of actual leftism when they see it, especially whenever they don't know how "serious" people are around here when they throw around the cracker-word.

    I'm bi-racial and I don't have much of a "racial identity" (whatever that's even supposed to be or look like), so admittedly I always get at least a little uncomfortable when anybody starts talking about their or someone else's "race", much the same way I get a little uncomfortable when people start generalizing each other because of their age, their gender, whatever.

    I fully recognize that white privilege is a real thing in western cultures, and that anyone who can be construed as "non-white" is put at a very real disadvantage in many real-world situations (sometimes fatally so), and so because of that I also recognize the urge to undermine the general concept that "white = good / normal" by lashing out against it. But when you call someone who's open to leftism but doesn't have a complete understanding of things a "cracker", for example, you put them down in a way that they usually perceive as intensely bigoted, to the degree that they will stop listening to every single thing you say after that. They'll leave here, and never take you or anyone associated with whatever they perceive as your ideology seriously again. And I think that's a big shame, because instead you could be trying to guide them to a more enlightened view of the world.

    Ultimately - regardless of how justified it is by societal conditions - it's a hateful act, born of hate (often times self-hate), and I don't feel like that's in the spirit of communism.

    And, at the end of the day, I am conserving all my hatred for the moment when I personally blow away mr-beast during the revolution.

    • Raebxeh
      8 months ago

      And, at the end of the day, I am conserving all my hatred for the moment when I personally blow away mr-beast during the revolution.

      I missed this storyline in your game but welcome it with open arms

    • whatup
      8 months ago

      But when you call someone who's open to leftism but doesn't have a complete understanding of things a "cracker", for example, you put them down in a way that they usually perceive as intensely bigoted, to the degree that they will stop listening to every single thing you say after that.

      White people who are that sensitive are never going to take someone who’s black, mixed, etc. seriously in the first place. Calling them a cracker is the funnier option ´cos at least you get to see them fume.

      • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        Sadly, this really just isn't true. You're thinking of white people as matured adults who've already been spoon-fed whatever liberal or conservative propaganda that first spoke to them, and been led down that path for some time. But, there are enormous sums of people out there who either aren't really that invested in political thinking, or haven't really been guided to a more radicalized point of view. And, just like the former group, the latter group often views the word "cracker" as a slur equal to any other, not having the historical context to weigh the use of that word against another. So, when you use that word, they're going to take it very seriously, regardless of how sarcastic you're being, and regardless of how much a word like that means in comparison to a slur used against a marginalized group.

        I know this because many people start out from this position - all slurs are equal, everyone deserves equal treatment, etc. It may not be how the US behaves, but it is what people are taught in grade school (usually).

        Well, I said "sadly", but to be honest I don't view this reality as something sad. I think it's actually quite a good thing not to simply write off anyone who will react in such a way, because like literally everyone here on Hexbear or anyone else, context is not naturally inherited - it needs to be taught, and with patience (and the interest to do so) you can often open people up to a greater, truer understanding of things. If you just call them a cracker and tell them to fuck off, then you're effectively further barricading the door to leftism against them. That doesn't mean tolerating any kind of hateful words or misinformation they might be spouting, it just means not giving up on everyone who doesn't super love it when you compare them to mayo or whatever.