This is unexpectadly high, and good news for anyone who got the latest vaccine.

I'm on the west coast and the latest covid wave just started hitting my town, so I hope I can continue to avoid it.

My friend in a long term care facility a few towns over got hit a couple weeks ago and three people died. They got the last vaccine several weeks ago, and then got "minor cold symptoms" when covid hit their facility, but never tested positive. Not many residents facility got the last vaccine because of the fucking privatization bullshit.

This country is Satan.

    5 months ago

    54% is unexpectedly high? What happened to the vaccine being a silver bullet? It's basically a coin flip...

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      5 months ago

      Libs hyped the vaccine for the same reason that they've falsely called every variant since BA.1 "Omicron": Avoiding COVID is bad for the economy.

      A vaccine that lets you avoid infection is said to provide sterilizing immunity, and for COVID, the only vaccines so far that have the goal of providing sterilizing immunity are mucosal vaccines. Currenty, the mucosal vaccines that exist are only authorized in China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, and Russia, but there might be a rollout in the US later this year.

    • facow [he/him, any]
      5 months ago

      Yeah it really is a bummer that the vaccine ended up being the flu vaccine type not the chickenpox type